Nuno's post

Whom do we call “us”?

Nuno Delicado - December 15th 2023

Whom do we call “us”?

By responding to this fundamental question – whom do we call “us”? – we can dissolve or amplify all conflict in the universe. 🌍

If “us” is me, myself and I, then I will easily get into conflict with “them” – i.e., everyone and everything else. ⚔

If “us” means the whole cosmos, then there is no “them” – and we will more easily find ways for all bits of “us” to be satisfied. 💕

Probably we need to reach nirvana to see the whole cosmos as “us”. 🧘‍♀️ While not there yet, below is a non-exhaustive list of groups we may easily call “us”. It is challenging to imagine anything I don’t share at least one group with.

Are you with us? 😊

Groups/“Tribes**”** • Planet, solar system, galaxy, universe • Beings • Animals • Mammals • Primates • Homo sapiens • Place of birth, nationality • Country/region/city/neighborhood • Ethnicity • Religion, spirituality • Political preferences • Socio-economic group • Wealth, income • Number of siblings, family size • Gender • Age • Family relationships • Common friends • Sexual orientation • Relationship status • Mother tongue, other languages • Educational level • Schools attended • Academic topic, areas of expertise • Public/private/social sector • Current/past company or organization • Occupation, profession • Years of experience • MBTI/DISC/Enneagram profile • Physical traits • Diet/food/beverage preferences • Hobbies • Reading/music/film/TV preferences • Sport preferences • Club/association member/supporter • Pets, favorite animals • Transport preferences, vehicles used • Volunteer activities • Travel experience • Phone type/system • Computer type/system