Nuno's post

Let's make the day begin

Nuno Delicado - December 31st 2024

Let's make the day begin

A guru asked his disciples how they could tell when the night had ended and the day begun.

One said, “When you see an animal in the distance and can tell whether it is a cow or a horse.

No," said the guru.

“When you look at a tree in the distance and can tell if it is a neem tree or a mango tree.

Wrong again,” said the guru.

Well then, what is it?” asked the disciples.

When you look into the face of any man and recognize your brother in him; when you look into the face of any woman and recognize in her your sister. If you cannot do this, no matter what time it is by the sun it is still night.

Anthony de Mello in The Prayer of the Frog Vol. 1

2025 is here. Sounds like time enough to make the day begin - in us, those around us and the world. Let's do this 💓 🙏 🙌

Image: Screenshot from Christmas Truce ad. The moment the two boys from the different sides of the trenches start recognizing a brother in each other 😍